A Corner of the Mess
Ever wonder about Jenna Kernan’s workspace?
Jenna’s Desk
So what is my workspace like? Mostly it’s a pile of papers with things like a schedule for my newsletter and several other random important papers, like the delivery dates for my next two thrillers. Beyond the calculator for my wordcount and a clock that is still on the time before daylight savings, I have several semi-interesting objects, pictured above.
On my desk at this moment (it’s always a mess) - beginning at top left:
Large monitor with blog posts for website on screen. On the bottom is a note in orange that says “SO WHAT?” meaning, if I don’t finish my huge list of tasks, really what will happen? And if it does happen, so what?
Blue Post It
Ganesh statue holding business card
Me in my cardigan and Black Lives Matter tee-shirt
Rubber dead body pen holder, currently holding a red highlighter shaped like a hypodermic needle
Empty coffee cup :-0 with quote: "Choose your Authors as you would your friends.”
Latest release: The Ex-Wives
A digital recorder, note pad, scrunchy
Red charging cord, so I don’t lose it
Purple mouse pad with wrist support
Fidget Spinner
Charger for devices
Pen, scissor, emery board holder
Last release: The Adoption on top of an Amazon gift card
Reading glasses & blue light canceling glasses
Herkimer “Diamonds” on red cushion
Buffalo Fetish (blocked by my head!)
Another mouse (escaped mouse from somewhere)
Red note pad with quote from Julia Quinn “Finish the book, the world is full of first chapters.”
This is only half my desk!
Desktop Objects - Jenna Kernan
Desktop Objects
Here’s a closeup of four objects on the desk. The alligator keeps my cord from fraying and makes me happy. The fidget gets my brain moving. The fetish Buffalo was carved by a member of the Zuni tribe. I change my critter monthly. Last month was horse. Next month, maybe… fox? And the crystal is a Herkimer ‘Diamond’ crystal, which is actually a double-terminated clear quartz crystal. I dug that out of the ground on a trip to the Herkimer Diamond Mine on a very cold April day some years ago.
Ruler of unknown origin
This ruler was found in the junk drawer of the house my mom lived in for 40 years that was built in the 1820s. I use it a lot and don’t appreciate it nearly enough. Was it a sample gift from a wood salesman.
It’s wooden and shows you what all the different woods look like with a clear stain.
Poplar, Beech, Walnut, Ash, Maple, Buckeye, Cherry, Sycamore, Bellwood, Cedar, Butternut, Bass.
Isn’t it amazing?
Alright, back to work so I can use my calculator and copy down my wordcount for the day!